Sunday 4 April 2010

Richard Chang

Richard Chang, senior business analyst died after a fall of over 80 foot after an interrogation by Kroll Associates relating to an anonymous document alleging fraud by senior directors. The verdict at the Coroner's Inquest was suicide.

Why the circumstances surrounding Richard's death are suspicious?

The parents, sisters and friends of Richard Chang do not believe he committed suicide.

A. The circumstances surrounding his death have not been properly investigated by the police.

The police decided that Richard had committed suicide very early on in their investigation and everything has been slanted towards that decision from the beginning.The police came to the decision it was a suicide because of;-

1. An alleged suicide note.
2. A witness who alleges he saw Richard climb over the fifth floor balcony.
3. Howard Jones, a former detective superintendent of the Metropolitan police told the senior investigating officer that the death was not suspicious.What was wrong with their decision?

Alleged suicide note
Three forensic reports concluded that the possibility that the signature is not genuine cannot be ruled out. The police have refused Mr and Mrs Chang's repeated request to test the original note for authenticity.Richard was told not to bring anything to the meeting. Jones said he saw Richard with a notepad in the meeting. The notepad was never found. The Coroner refused Mr and Mrs Chang's legal representatives to put forward any questions relating to the notepad.

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